How You Can Transform and Reinvent Your Brand Amidst the Pandemic

by Ana Carissa Del Castillo

As business owners, we want to do all we can to keep our ventures afloat, especially with the amount of businesses that are greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s how you can reinvent your brand to cater to rapid shifts in customer demands, while following the strict health and safety protocols mandated by the government.
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” the wise Plato once said.
This famous Greek philosopher couldn’t be more right, this particular quote ever-fitting during these challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its unpredictable toll on many businesses, both big and small, new and old. Faced with the mandatory, and very necessary, lockdown and quarantine protocols nationwide (and worldwide, as most countries are still practicing extreme caution, especially in the Eastern hemisphere), many businesses struggle to keep a stream of revenue, and have no other choice but to close up shop.
With the current physical and social distancing requirements, abrupt shift in customer demands, and disrupted supply chains, brands are forced to revise their existing business models and marketing strategies in a desperate attempt to keep their own business afloat.
The smartest move you can do in these times: reinvent your brand.
Effectively transform your brand into one that meets people’s current needs, follows mandatory regulations, while also offering something unique. Considering the current state of the world, it’s still not too late to start making that transition.
Switch to online; go digital.
Businesses have begun migrating online, making this one of the most striking yet most sensible responses to the pandemic. From food and beverage establishments, to education and culture providers, to creative and leisure industries, to healthcare sectors – the immediate and mass transition to online and home-based digital solutions has become feasible and, now more than ever, extremely ideal under the pressure of needing to sustain steady income.
Forced to become almost 100% digital, many businesses are taking advantage of existing technologies, and have transitioned to practical online methods by looking into already-existing, cost-effective digital platforms. Professional technical support and content production are small prices to pay to continue running and expanding as a business during these tough times.
Now, businesses can see the innovative potential of digital marketing as a whole.
Identify changing customer needs and demands.
Efforts in going digital have paid off immensely for many brands, with businesses knowing more about their market and its current demands. Having an active social media presence, as well as conducting additional research, forges a more personal relationship with consumers,
According to the 2020 Brand Trust Report, a study was administered on the critical role brands are expected to play during the COVID-19 pandemic. After interviewing 12,000 people from all across the globe, the results are as follows:
71% agree that if they perceive that a brand is putting profit over people, they will lose trust in that brand forever.
54% are not paying attention to new products at present unless they are designed to help with their pandemic-related life challenges.
65% said that a brand’s response in the crisis will have a huge impact on their likelihood of purchasing from it in the future.
33% have already stopped using a brand that they think did not respond appropriately during the pandemic.
65% think hearing what brands are doing in response to the pandemic is comforting and reassuring to them.
These days, customers are more inclined to know how marketing can help rather than sell. As we begin traversing into the new normal, the public is becoming more concerned about brands stepping up to offer assistance, support, and collaborations that target consumer interests.
Adjust your products and services.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that retailers with strong online presence are expected to perform better this year as consumers shift to e-commerce. In response to the changing customer needs, products and services must be compatible with the current COVID-19 regulations. This includes the rigorous health protocols and strict safety requirements which is likely to continue until the foreseeable future.
In which case, companies are looking for virtual replacements for their products and services, or, in the very least, making these products and services accessible with little to no physical contact. The current digital and virtual tools have been helping many still-standing businesses achieve resiliency, and thus keeping them in operation.
Aside from companies that sell actual merchandise, many other businesses in the education and entertainment sectors have begun offering simplified, online versions of their services. More often than not, they offer free trials prior to paid subscription. For this, however, creativity and innovation play huge parts, and must work hand-in-hand to accomplish the desired results.
Despite the total uncertainty, as well as conflicts and struggles, that COVID-19 has brought the majority of businesses, opportunities for reinvention and growth continue to arise, undoubtedly presenting themselves to business owners who have the will to persevere. As there is no apparent and sure-fire solution for the ongoing pandemic as of yet, business owners must stay updated on the ever-changing tide of consumer trends and use them as leverage.
In the end, it’s entirely up to business owners if they will let these conflicts paralyze them from pursuing their brand and business’ utmost potential in this online era. Start digitally transforming your brand with reinvented marketing strategies to keep your business future-proof. If you’re in the position to help, consider donating a portion of your sales to those in need.
At that, we leave you with a quote by American literature professor, Joseph Campbell: “Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.”
Sevensharp Creatives elevates businesses from different industries to a whole new level! Our team offers 360 digital marketing solutions that includes the current online vital social media platforms, website design and development, software development, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, email and SMS marketing, photo and video shoot and more for small, medium, corporate businesses, and public entities. Get your free consultation with us to jumpstart your digital marketing journey! Contact us at +63 917 146 2603 (Viber, Whatsapp) or email us at