Why You Shouldn't Skip On Q&A Platforms

by Kathleen Lacson

People and questions are two things that go hand-in-hand with one another ever since the dawn of time. We're all aware that it's simply human to wonder and ask questions. In fact, it's these very questions that have allowed us to evolve and get to the very era we're living in today.
Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat. Most of the time, when questions brought about by curiosity are tackled properly then it could lead to very interesting and boundary-breaking results. For example, Science is just one entire field that's really about testing questions and hypotheses to see what outcome the experiments will bring or if the proposed assumption is true. And, it's because of this so-called scientific methodology, that all sorts of medical and even astrophysical advancements have come to be plus so much more!
Simply put, this combination act of questioning and finding answers have mostly brought about great developments to the world we live in and will continue to do so because no innovative growth or discovery will occur if no one strives to ask and see what goes beyond the answers we have now or if no one poses questions to seek answers in order to better the entire human race or even just themselves.
Hence why Question and Answer (Q&A) platforms have become immensely popular in this digital age. Whatever the question is, you're free to post it online on these kinds of platforms or sites at any time and from anywhere in search of answers! Plus, you're bound to get some form of response from all sorts of interesting people.
Not to mention, with so many people posting questions in search of answers online every single day all over the world, chances are someone's already asked the very question you have at the moment. All you now have to do is sit back and read the responses of the rest! From cooking questions to health questions — these Q&A platforms or discussion threads have definitely got all kinds of useful information for you!
So what does this mean for businesses and their marketing strategy?
Basically, it's utilizing questions and their respective answers in order to:
1. Improve the way they market whatever product or service they're offering,
2. Improve these very products or services they're offering,
3. And develop new ones to cater the current needs of their target audience.
To put into perspective, every day, month, and year are typically marked by some event whether that's a regular holiday that lands on a single date or a human-caused event that ends up shaping an entire month for everyone or even an entire year worldwide.
Well, if there's one event that comes to mind then no doubt it's the COVID-19 pandemic which definitely shaped the entirety of 2020 as well as 2021. As such, there's a sudden influx of questions and answers all about it floating on the web.
You have all these people suddenly asking questions about the virus, how to avoid getting it, which is the best COVID-19 vaccine, and even what necessities to get during a pandemic. Keep in mind that these are just some out of the thousands of Coronavirus-related questions asked by the millions of people worldwide.
Reddit, one of the most known Q&A platforms, now has a whole Topic thread for any pandemic-related posts so that you can easily go through all the recent and popular questions asked in order to find out what people are specifically discussing about it the most. The same goes for Answers.com, another Q&A site! Meanwhile, when you look at this COVID-related question thread on Quora, yet another popular Q&A platform, then you can also immediately see all the “Related Questions” at the right as well as below the thread should you be interested in finding more useful answers. By reading these threads, you can most definitely pick up a useful info or two that can make your business even more relevant especially in this current state the world’s at.
Apart from just viewing these threads, you’re also free to post your own question in these sites in order to engage with your customers and target audience plus directly get a piece of their mind when it comes down to things like what they expect from your brand during this still pandemic-stricken year. Answers, feedback, opinions, wishes, desires when it comes down to your business — you can easily receive and monitor all these to improve for the better all by taking into consideration Q&A platforms!
Therefore, by going through and even becoming part of these Q&A threads, you can specifically target your business’s marketing strategy as well as enhance your products or services towards the current views and needs of your audience. In this case, you can strategize to aim your products or services as a means to make life during this pandemic safer and more convenient or even as a COVID-19 vaccine incentive which can make people finally take their shots!
Samsung Smart Lock does a great job at marketing their products towards a whole contactless way of entering doors which definitely comes in handy these days while Krispy Kreme U.S. is giving away a free donut to those who bring their vaccine card to any of their stores this entire year! In fact, this incentive by the renowned donut chain resulted in a sudden surge of visits that was way higher than what they got back in 2019, the last “normal” year before the pandemic hit.
McDonald’s is also upping their game by giving their hot McCafé® cups and McDelivery® seal stickers an informative makeover! Through their “We Can Do This” campaign which started last May 2021 and will continue on with their new cups and seals in July of the same year, they’re giving their customers an easier way to learn how to protect themselves during this pandemic. Their new packaging will bear their “We Can Do This” slogan alongside information that will lead them to vaccine.gov.
These are just some of the many businesses who have adjusted their marketing strategy as well as improved their products or services to focus on the on-going pandemic. And, these are just 2 out of the 3 ways mentioned on how a business can properly utilize Q&A platforms to find out what the general public is currently talking about and align their marketing strategy plus whatever they’re offering to these very things.
The final benefit of utilizing Q&A platforms, as mentioned, is being able to develop new products or services that cater to the current needs and trends of people. The most perfect example are the dozens of brands that have suddenly released their own version of face masks in light of the pandemic. At some point, they realized that one of the things people are in search of the most these days is protection from the virus which comes in the form of medical face masks. So, naturally, they started producing their own versions of it. Quite literally, virus protection but make it fashion. Just check out this list by Vogue on face masks made by some well-known fashion brands!
As a conclusion, Q&A platforms work almost just the same as their more popular social media counterparts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. At the end of the day, they’re also just online places to communicate, discuss, and find out information about a whole bunch of things. Which is why businesses shouldn’t skip on these platforms especially since the more tools you have that can improve your business or brand and make them more practical to consumers then the better!
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